The version 0.7.3 has a problem with the CaptionTip option in the *.lnk files
The problem is when you move the mouse over the icon and the Tooltip is showed, but it begin to blinking if you crossing with the mouse the Tooltip then.
The solution is put the Width/Height properties in the *.lnk files.
For example this icon file:
table Icon
Caption: Tux
CaptionTip: Linux rocks
Icon: /home/you/icons/tux2.png
X: 680
Y: 174
When the icon doesn't have the Width/Heigth properties, this icon should be blinking when you put the mouse over the icon. Then you should write this:
table Icon
Caption: Tux
CaptionTip: Linux rocks
Icon: /home/you/icons/tux2.png
Width: 48 <-- Is necessary
Height: 48 <--- Is necessary
X: 680
Y: 174
... and the Tooltip should works fine. It's a bug in 0.7.3. I fixed it in version 0.7.4 but isn't ready, soon.